jueves, octubre 27, 2005

Holy Holy Holy (I am the one)

Esta tiene que ser la letra más escalosfriante de la canción mas aterradora en la historia de la humanidad. Sin embargo, es una de las mejores que he escuchado ultimamente.

Sin más, las letras de Current 93 -I Am The One/(aka Holy Holy Holy):

(Current 93 - I Am the One/Holy Holy Holy lyrics. Solo en caso de que alguien se le ocurra oponerlo en google.. al parecer, no está en ninguna otra parte.. bueno, solo otro blog, pero es imposible llegarle)

I was not in the garden when he knelt to god and prayed
I did not kiss him on the cheek when Jesus was betrayed

Chorus: I could not do a single thing to help gods only son
cause every time I sin on earth, I feel that I'm the one
I'm the one who shall be crucified, I'm the one who nailed his cross so high.
I'm the one who stood and watched him die
what have I done, I'm the one

I was not at the trial when they asked Jesus his name
I could not make him better caus I walked a road of shame


I was not on the hillside when they took his life that day
I did not nail his precious hand or take his robe away

Good morning young prince.